To help us monitor quality and ensure you’ve had the best service, please leave us some feedback. This would be best done when you’ve had all your counselling sessions as it gives a better indication of your experience of the whole counselling process.

Thank you for your support and feedback.
– Janaina

Janaina is a special breed. She brings empathy and understanding. She never judges and has a very good memory recalling things in a personable way. I never have to repeat things as Janaina always remember people and events and stories. She makes me feel valued and never rushes me.

If everyone would be lucky to have a “Janaina” in their life we will be all very wholesome emotionally free human beings. Janaina helped and encouraged me to unlock the sadness, trauma and loss I sustained in my life. She helped me realise my emotions were important to feel, crying and anger are both perfectly normal to express.

Janaina allows me to feel safe and in control enough to feel my emotions and gives me the strength to see my experiences with clear eyes and helps me find the power within myself to own my real feelings after years of avoidance as I have been brought up be feel not worthy enough to have emotions for any experience good or bad. The work with Janaina freed the burden my locked emotions and feelings had on me enough to feel confidence for applying for work.

Without working with Janaina I would still be volunteering and not in salaried work as I would not have felt worthy enough to hold a paid job nor even feel worthy to write my CV and attend an interview.