About Me
My name is Janaina Mahe, I am originally from Brazil and I’ve lived in Wales for the past 22 years. I have a master’s Level Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling skills and I run a private counselling and psychotherapy practice in Swansea, in which I have been solely directing since 2014. I work with self-referred clients, EAP(Employment Assistance Programme) clients, NHS referrals and corporation clients including Amazon and Coastal Housing in Swansea, delivering individual and couple counselling.
Also, I work as a Mental Health Mentor for university students in the UK with learning disabilities and I supervise Master’s psychotherapy students from The University of Wales Trinity Saint David and qualified psychotherapists. In addition, I am a qualified Mindfulness Now Teacher and I studied Mindfulness at the UK College of Mindfulness Meditation in England, approved by the British Psychological Society.
I am a Humanistic practitioner. Humanistic therapy adopts a holistic approach that focuses on agency, human potential, and self-discovery. It aims to help you develop a strong and healthy sense of self, explore your feelings, find meaning, and focus on your strengths. I use a range of therapies from this approach, according to my client’s needs, in order to help clients to learn to help themselves!
I work extremely well with emotions allowing you to activate and focus on your emotional state and thus helping you to manage problematic emotional situations and self-experiences. I first listen to my client and then provide the necessary therapies, combining elements of all of these modalities. For example, this could include Person Centred Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Existential Therapy and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).
I integrate Mindfulness Practice principles and Mindfulness training within my practice, as I have found that to be of great benefit, with regards to helping clients to learn to become more self-aware and more present in the present, thus alleviating stress and anxiety in general. Finally, I support my clients to develop a healthy relationship with themselves and with their body, as I believe it’s paramount to consider the needs of our system in general, when working with our mental health!
Personally, I believe that most ill mental health issues are sicknesses of the soul, caused by a disconnection within, which stems from somewhere down to the person’s life history. In this context, I have found within my practice that people who have come to see me are only existing in life rather than living life. Although they have presented different mental health issues and diagnostics, nevertheless usually they feel lost within themselves and have become prisoners of their own mind, which are locked in the past, in the future or both, rather than in the present. Hence, the core of my therapeutic style is with regards to helping my clients to integrate the scarred parts of the self, with support in the formation of resilience and self-esteem, through the learning of self-acceptance and self-authenticity. Only then can we access strong and authentic contact with others and with life itself, at the present time.
I offer sessions face to face, via online and telephone and in my consulting room, Cherry Tree House, Carmarthen Rd, Swansea, SA1 1HE.
I understand how daunting it may be to contact an unknown professional at first, especially if you have never experienced counselling before, I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have by e-mail, telephone or text.
In order to ensure suitability, introductory 20-minute sessions are available online or face-to-face free of charge. In this case, if you feel you would like to book it without commitment, we could meet each other and decide whether we can work together. In this case, please feel free to call and make a booking.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my bio, I will be more than happy to be of services if you need!
Janaina Vieira Mahe.
- Qualified practitioner since 2014: Postgraduate Diploma in counselling practice( Humanistic) University of Wales Trinity Saint David-level 7- 2014
- Currently training in the Central England College and Mindfulness Now-Diploma Mindfulness Based Clinical Hypnoses which will be concluded in 2024-25
- Qualified Mindfulness Teacher – UK College of Mindfulness Meditation England- Approved by the British Psychological Society – February 2022
- ACT Acceptance and commitment therapy training – The Association for Psychological Therapy accredited course – 2020
- Trauma work: with Babette Rothschild ( somatic trauma training)- central London 2016-2017.
- Making trauma safer- Babette Rothschild – Central London- 2015
- Group work Facilitation Gestalt course- developing effective facilitative skills- Gestalt Centre- London 2015
- Certificate in counselling skills Level 4
- Neath Port-Talbot College – 2012
- Certificate in counselling skills level 3
- Neath Port-Talbot College – 2011
- Introduction to counselling skills level 1 and 2
- Neath Port-Talbot College – 2010
- Diploma in supervision- Centre for Supervision Training and Development CSTD Bath (affiliated to UKCP AND BCPC) 2021 – present (nearly finishing the paperwork) – practiced supervision hours: completed.
- Supervision hours practiced: +300 hours up to date.
Currently, I am supervising 18 Supervisees per month – 14 trainees -[Master’s students from UWTSD] and 4 qualified psychotherapists.
As a practitioner, I have a full time counselling and psychotherapy private practice, which I have been solely directing since 2014. I work via online, telephone and face to face sessions, with self-referred clients, EAP clients, NHS referrals and Corporations as Coastal Housing Swansea in which I am directly affiliated to, delivering individual and couple’s counselling to their employees. Also, I work as mental health mentor for universities’s students with mental health issues and learning disabilities.
Finally, I work within corporations, such as Amazon FC in Swansea, delivering talking therapy in house, in order to support Amazon employee’s mental health and wellbeing.
In addition, I comply with BACP ethical guidelines, including continually developing my practice by taking part on CPDs courses frequently, face to face and virtually.
The Silva Ultramind System”- 2023- Vishen
Rapid Transformation Hypnotherapy for abundance” 2024- Marisa Peer
Hypnosis for instant freedom from stress and Anxiety”- Paul McKenna – 2024
- The Resilience Effect CPD – 2023
- Attachment Science in Action: Emotionally Focused Couple and Individual Therapy- Dr Sue Johnson – workshop / June 2021
- Meditation Course Salzberg 2021
Currently training to become a supervisor-CSTD Bath- Centre for Supervision Training and Development Ltd- January 2020
The Association for Psychological Therapy-accredited course- ACT Essentials (acceptance as commitment therapy) June- July 2020
Duality -Energy Healing – Jeffrey Allen – 2019
Online Private Practice 2018- Communication: Can you understand me?
- Intensive Workshop: Understanding the Power of Your Mind – October 2017- London
- Somatic Trauma Training with Babette Rothschild: 12-day in-depth course developed by Babette Rothschild- author of the bestselling “ The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment” – Central London – 2016 / 2017
- Making Trauma Therapy Safer with Babette Rothschild – Central London, 2015
- Group work Facilitation Gestalt course – Developing effective facilitative skills – Gestalt Centre – London – 2015.
- The Nature of Trauma and Dissociation – 2015
- Beating Bipolar – 2015
- UK/ European Symposium on Addictive Disorders – 2015
- Introduction to building a coaching approach within counselling practice – 2015
- Gestalt Therapy – An Introduction – 2013
- Transactional Analyses: An Introduction – 2013
- Working with victims of domestic violence – 2012
- Working with victims of sexual abuse – 2012
- Working with people bereaved through homicide and criminal road traffic collisions – 2012
- Working with LGBT – Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Transgender – 2012
- Supporting Young Victims – 2012
- Mental Health Awareness Course – 2012
- ASIST Course: Applied Suicidal Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) – 2012
- I have introduced a coaching approach alongside my current practice of counselling
Please get in touch
Alternatively, you can call me on 07449 484819
Feel free to text my mobile number with your name and telephone number and I will phone you back as soon as I am available.
– Janaina